2007年11月27日 星期二

超市夜未眠 Cashback.2004 - 得獎短片 中英文字幕 (18分鐘)

1 當你入睡

2 直到醒來你才會發覺自己曾睡過

3 在這些你因沉睡而遺失的時間裡

4 歡迎來到夜班世界

5 我叫 Ben Willis

6 在一家名為 Sainsburys 的超市上夜班,每週三回

7 在我看來,超市就是一個交易所

8 除了表面上的食品日用品交易外

9 超市也交易時間

10 大部分人沉沉安睡的時候

11 我在交易我的時間

12 我拿時間換取金錢

13 我給他們八個小時

14 而他們發給我工錢

15 現金回饋

16 嗨,Ben

17 我又遲到了

18 Jenkins 會殺了我的

19 待會見

20 好,待會見

21 Sharon!
     是的,Jenkins 先生

22 又遲到了, Sharon
     對不起, Jenkins先生

23 這周第二次了

24 我知道, Jenkins先生

25 好吧,這次就算了...

26 我用這八小時換來的錢

27 在學院的第一年

28 那個,別光盯著發呆啊,Ben

29 把它打掃乾淨!

30 我一直想成為畫家

31 正如很多前輩大師那樣

32 女性的形體一直令我極其著迷

33 我總是為她們無意中流露的魅力所傾倒

34 你到底動不動手?

35 這位是 Sharon Pintey

36 Sharon 知道打發無聊八小時的訣竅

37 她的訣竅是盡量保持自己魂遊天外

38 每一個在這裡工作的人

39 Sharon 深知首要規則

40 要與時鐘為敵!

41 原理如下:

42 時鐘會把你拉回現實

43 這便是交易時間的訣竅所在

44 要找錢嗎?

45 這是 Barry Brickman

46 Barry 認為自己有做超膽俠的替身的潛質

47 首先是因為,Barry 很有些名氣

48 有一回 Barry 搞砸了他的自行車特技

49 錄影的傢伙把片子放到了網上

50 從那以後 Barry 就改行玩起了滑板

51 Matt Stephens 也是個滑板迷

52 還有一樣是什麼?

53 還有一樣是什麼?

54 香腸

55 噢,對!

56 現在 Barry 和 Matt 成了死黨

57 他們兩個對於時間交易有其獨門秘方

58 Barry.

59 看

60 他們的方法是挖空心思做工作之外的任何事

61 這是他們最後一次因不務正業而被警告

62 數周前,Barry 和 Matt 因為他們所謂的

63 "女士幫助計劃"而被舉報

64 這些洗髮精 瓶子就是事件根源

65 Barry 和 Matt 知道它們長得很像...

66 而且他們也知道超市裡的女顧客

67 他們認為,雖然這只是瓶包裝得像性玩具的洗髮精

68 女士們還是會願意把它作為性玩具來使用的

69 因為她們知道它們長得像什麼

70 但如果東西已經擺上了收銀台

71 如果她們沒有拒絕付賬
     那麼 Barry 和 Matt 就明白他們替瓶子找到了好歸宿

72 但他們不知道的是
     那種洗髮精 本來就是熱賣品

73 Barry 和 Matt曾進行過一次滑板車比賽

74 滑完 14 條過道後回到起點.

75 他們為這場比賽一直苦等到老闆請病假的那天

76 不務正業是會上癮的

77 那種做不該做的事情的興奮感

78 以及可能被當場抓住的刺激感

79 它們是如此強烈

80 各就各位...

81 預備...

82 滑!

83 當你魂遊天外的技術已臻化境

84 八小時便會如此飛逝

85 操縱時間並不是精準的科學

86 像所有訣竅那樣,它也因人而異

87 把它們散播到世界,滿足又快樂

88 但你是特別的那一個

89 我要告訴你,Sharon,我是個體面的男人

90 我長相英俊

91 用這個砸你的頭?

92 你對我的觸動甚至超過我本人...

93 好吧,你運氣不錯

94 跟那些黃毛小子們坐在一起

95 我感覺我就是個神!我就是阿多尼斯!

96 我的體型一直保持得很好,我知道的

97 經常有人用目光追隨我

98 我都裝作沒發現

99 我要堅持下去,知道麼?我要繼續奮鬥!

100 出人頭地

101 我覺得是那樣,我覺得我是個真男人

102 我想你喜歡真男人的,對不對?

103 有些事情極其...

104 那麼到底是什麼讓我的時間過得如此之快?

105 我朝相反方向想像

106 時間是靜止的

107 我想像人生的遙控器被摁了暫停鍵

108 在這個靜止的世界

109 甚至不會有人意識到時間曾停止過

110 而當時間重新開始流動,

111 這感覺倒很有些像有人走過你的墳墓

112 那一刻...

113 當你看到某人走在街上

114 請跟我一起想像

115 理解美的概念變得如此容易

116 因為它就凝固在你面前

117 美的瞬間被精確地捕捉下來

118 不自知的

119 我對於美的迷戀在幼年時便已萌芽

120 我那時六、七歲

121 她還不到二十,在附近的一所學校學英文

122 作為一個瑞典人,她沐浴回房的過程無須優雅得體

123 正是在那一刻,我內心深處有什麼東西悄然萌動

124 女性的形體以前所未有的形態展現在我面前

125 我對她裸體的美迷戀而好奇

126 我希望世界可以停轉

127 我從未體驗過如此壓倒性的感覺

128 直到今天,我仍認為

129 你掉了這個

130 這是錯的麼?

131 她們會恨我麼?

132 恨被我看到

133 我的意思是,真正地「看到」

134 我看過一個故事

135 她認為他才能真正地「看到」她

136 他會看到每一處起伏

137 每一處線條

138 每一處曲折,並熱愛它們

139 而當我完成一切之後,要讓時間繼續

140 我唯一要做的只是壓下我的手指

141 Barry !






1    When you fall asleep,     

2    you are unware of sleeping until you awake.     

3    During those missing hours a whole other world comes alive.     

4    Welcome to the night shift.     

5    My name is Ben Willis.     

6    And three nights a week,
     I work the late shift at Sainsburys.     

7    For me,
     the supermarket is a trading facility.     

8    Apart from the obvious trade in food and household products,     

9    the supermarlet trades in time.     

10    During the hours
        most normal people are sleeping,     

11    I'm trading my time.     

12    I trade this time for money.     

13    I give them eight hours,     

14    and they give me money.     

15    Cashback.     

16     Hi Ben.
         Oh, hi.

17     I'm late again.

18     Jenkins is gonna kill me.

19     See you later.

20     Yeah, see you.

21     Sharon!
         Yes, Mr. Jenkins.

22     Late again, Sharon.
         I'm sorry, Mr. Jenkins.

23     Second time this week.

24     I know, Mr. Jenkins.
         I'm sorry, it won't happen again.

25     Allright. OK...

26     This eight hour trade gives me the money
         I need to pay my way through art college,     

27    when most of my first year was devoted to the fundamentals 

       of  still life.     

28    Well, don't just stare at it Ben.

29    Clean it up!

30    I've always wanted to be a painter.     

31    And like many artists before me
        the female form has always been     

32    a great source of fascination.     

33    I've always been in awe
        of the power they unknowingly possess.     

34    Now are you going to clean them up or not?

35    This is Sharon Pintey.     

36    Sharon knows that there's an art
        to dealing with an eight-hour shift.     

37    An art to putting your mind somewhere else
        so that it becomes unaware of the trade off.     

38    All the people that work here
        perfect their own individual art.     

39    Sharon knows rule number one.     

40    The clock is the enemy.
        The basic rule is this:     

41    The more you look at the clock,
        the slower the times goes.     

42    It will uncover the hiding place of your
        mind and torture it with every second.     

43    This is the basic art
        in dealing with the trade of your time.     

44    Any cashback?

45    This is Barry Brickman.     

46    You see Barry thinks of himself
        as a bit of a daredevil stuntman.     

47    For a start, Barry is quite well known.     

48    When one of Barry's bike tricks went wrong,     

49    the cameraman put it on the internet.     

50    Barry has stuck to his scooter ever since.     

51    Matt Stephens is also a keen scooterer.      

52    What was the other thing?

53    What was the other thing?

54    Sausage.

55    Oh yeah.

56    Now Barry and Matt are good friends.     
        There you go.

57    Between them, they have come up with a very different
        way of dealing with the trade of their time.     

58    Barry.

59    Look.

60    There's an art of finding anything to do
        that isn't work.     

61    That was their final warning for pursuing
        something to do other than their job.      

62    A few weeks earlier, Barry and Matt
        had been reported for what they called     

63    "helping the ladies".     

64    It was these shampoo bottles
        that sent them on their quest.     

65    Barry and Matt knew
        what they look like...     

66    and they knew that the women in the
        supermarket knew what they looked like.     

67    Their theory was that even though it was a
        sex toy masquerading as a bottle of shampoo,     

68    women would like to try it as a sex toy
        but were embarrassed to buy it,     

69    because they knew what it looked like.     

70    The decision to buy it would be an easier one
        if they were already at the checkout.     

71    If they didn't object then Barry and Matt knew
        they helped the bottle to find an happy home.     

72    But what they didn't know, was that the bottle
        was the best selling shampoo on the market.     

73    Barry had challenged Matt to a scooter race in which
        they would sprint down one aisle and up the next.     

74    They would do all 14 alleys
        and then back to the starting line.     

75    They had been waiting for the day
        the manager called in sick.     

76    The art of doing something else other than
        the work you're supposed to do is addictive.     

77    The excitement of doing something
        that you shouldn't be doing     

78    along with the consequences
        if you're caught doing it     

79    are so strong that it often pulls
        others away from their own art.     

80    On your marks...

81    get set...

82    go!

83    When you've perfected the art
        of placing your mind somewhere esle,     

84    eight hours will go as fast as this.     

85    Time manipulation
        is not a precise science.     

86    Like any art,
        it's personal to the individual.     

87    Send them out into the world,
        fulfilled and joyful

88    But you are the one.

89    I gotta tell you Sharon, I'm a modest guy.
        I felt fantastic.

90    I look beautiful.

91    Throw this in your face?

92    You inspire me.
        Perhaps more than I inspire myself...

93    Yeah, you're lucky.

94    On a bench, with the boys,

95    I felt like a god.
        I'm an Adonis.

96    I keep myself in good shape,
        I know that.

97    I see the looks...

98    I ignore that.

99    You have to carry on, you know?
        You have to strive.

100   Make your own mark.

101   I feel like that.
         I feel like a real man.

102   I think you like real men, don't you?

103   There's something supreme...

104   So what is the art
         in making my shift go so fast?     

105    I imagine the opposite.     

106    The time is frozen.     

107    I imagine that the remote control for life
          has been paused.     

108    Within this frozen world
          I'm able to work freely and unnoticed.     

109    Nobody would even know
          that the time had stopped.     

110    And when it start to back up again the invisible join
          would be seamless except for a slight shudder.     

111    Not unlike the feeling
         of somebody walking over your grave.     

112    That moment...     

113    when you see somebody walking down the street
         who's so beautiful that you just can't help but stare.     

114    Well imagine as I do,
         that with a world on pause     

115    it becomes very easy
         to understand the concept of beauty,     

116    to have it frozen in front of you,     

117    that precise moment captured.     

118    Unawares.     

119    For me this fascination with beauty
         started at a very young age.     

120    I was 6 or 7 and my mum and dad
         had taken on a foreign student.     

121    She was in her late teens and
          was studying English at a near by school.     

122    Being Swedish, the walk from the shower
         to her room didn't need to be a modest one.     

123    It was at that moment that something
         very profound happened to me.     

124    I was exposed to the female form
         in a way I had never experienced.     

125    I felt fascination and wonder
          at the beauty of her nakedness,     

126    and I wanted to freeze the world
         so I could live in that moment for a week.     

127    I've never had a feeling
         of such completeness.     

128    To this day, I still think it was one
         of the most beautiful things I'd ever seen.     

129    You dropped these.

130    And would it be wrong?     

131    Would they hate me ?     

132    For seeing them.     

133    I mean really seeing them.     

134    I read once about a woman whose secret fantasy
         was to have an affair with an artist.     

135    She tought that he would really see her.     

136    He would see every curve,     

137    every line,     

138    every indentation and love them because
          they were part of beauty that made her unique.     

139    And when I'm ready, the only thing
         I need to do to start time again...     

140    is crack my fingers.     

141    Barry !



